Lace for a wedding

Hola fimelinas!
Que tal ha empezado la semana?! Yo he tenido un finde increible…sin parar! El sabado, tuve boda de una amiga del cole que hacia once años que no veia y la verdad que reencontrarnos y verla vestida de novia, guapisima, fue increible! Estaba radiante, feliz y se notaba que estaba disfrutando de su dia! Gracias Miriam y Miguel por contar con nosotros en un dia tan especial!
Para la ocasion elegi un vesitdo de encaje negro con media manga. Hacia fresquito, bueno mas bien hacia frio, asi que me parecio la opcion perfecta! Una bombonera negra de Zara y sandalias con taconazo fueron los complementos de este look de boda sencillo y chic!
Un besote fimelinas y que tengais una semana estupenda! 😉
Hi fimelinas!
How did your week start?! I had an incredible weekend…non stop! On Saturday we had the wedding of one of my school friends. Eleven years without meeting and seeing here as a bride, beautiful, was incredible! You was looking brilliant, happy and you could see in her face she was really enjoying her day! Thanks Miriam and Miguel for inviting us to that special day!
For the ocassion I chose this black lace dress with three quarter sleeve. It was chilly so I thought it would be the best option! A black clutch from Zara and high heel sandals were the perfect accesories for this simple and chic look!
Big kiss girls and have a lovely week! 🙂

Photos by J.L.Gea
Vestido/Dress: H&M
Clutch: Zara
Sandalias/Sandals: Lefties
Pulseras/Bracelets: Blanco

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